Friday, August 28, 2009

Snacking In the Middle of the Night

Firstly, I’ve worked out over an hour every day since Monday.  HALLELUJAH!
Secondly, I’ve been counting calories and have lost 2 lbs.  It doesn’t feel like an accomplishment.  5 lbs. will though!
Okay- now for the blog:

I gained weight before college just eating 2 square meals a day.  Of course, what does that even mean?
Square meal: a filling and nourishing meal
I apologize- I just lied to you people.  I did not eat nourishing meals in high school, unless you count a bagel and a coke for lunch, and taco bell for dinner…  Well, that’s an exaggeration as well.  I had home-cooked meals too.  The thing is, my body doesn’t maintain weight UNLESS I work out and eat small portions.  I automatically gain weight.  In fact, I am capable of gaining 5 pounds in one day, and not being able to lose it for a week.  It’s a curse.
Enough boo-hooing.
In college, friends eat.  We eat all the time.  We eat at any given social activity, and we eat when we study.  We eat at rehearsals and in between rehearsals.  It’s out of control.
Here is a breakdown of the kinds of eating I did freshman and sophomore year:
Breakfast- Not really- maybe a frappucino.
Lunch- Trying a little bit of everything in “the caf”…deciding it wasn’t that good.  Maybe grabbing a cheeseburger from McDonald’s after that.
Dinner- Eating something in the caf again and maybe deciding to go out…again.
4th meal- past 11pm- this is the time when me, David, Robbie, and James and a host of other people went out for fast food.
Various snacking.

It’s really horrible- of course; this doesn’t effect some people physically the way it does others.  I gained about 10 pounds my 1st semester of school.  Sophomore year, I shot up another 30 or so.   And I worked out too…maybe twice a week.

You just can’t burn all of those calories in your sleep.
I’m trying to do this- this being, not eating after 10 or 11.  It’s hard, because James eats food late all of the time.  But I cannot let his habits be mine, just because we live together.  Since a lot of my heavy-eating-tendencies are late at night, it’s important that I put a stop to late night eating.  Doing this alone won’t solve my problems, but it will make a huge positive impact!
Join me!!!!


  1. Rebekah 2 pounds in a week is fantastic! Good job.

    And I understand about James eating all the time. He alone is responsible for my Ben and Jerry's addiction.

  2. You go girl! I'm glad you're writing this. :)

  3. Sorry for the lousy example I gave you about eating late at night, that is if popcorn counts. Does popcorn count? I been walking in my sleep. Finally, something besides Beatles!!

    It's late. I need to go get some popc.... oh sorry. g'nite -- dad

  4. I'll take care of the snacking for both of us from now on!

  5. Yay for 2 lbs--2 lbs closer to that LBD & fav pair of jeans! Late night eating is a HUGE temptation for me. I try not to keep unhealthy foods in the house. But at night, I'll find something to overeat with. My latest PM craving is buttered bread. Because of this and stress eating, I've put on 20 lbs in less than a year! It's miserable being fat, especially when you know 1st hand how great it is to be thin. But once again, I haven't lost hope. One day at a time...sure & steady win the race.

  6. eeeeeeh its true and late nights are the worst, as long as i dont go near the fridge/pantry im usually ok these days, but it wasnt always so. (it also reeeeeeaaaally helps that my mom doesnt buy anything with good snacking qualities...)

  7. Hey good job for the working out! One thing that makes it easier for me to keep up a routine is to only weight myself once a week. Since body weight fluctuates so drastically in a given day, if I notice slow weight loss or a little weight gain it discourages me.

    James your comment is funny.

    It's so hard not to eat before bed! That is when I'm the hungriest! Also sometimes I sleep-eat. I once awoke with a half-eaten cake of uncooked ramen next to my head on my pillow and crumbs everywhere.

    It's healthy to make sure one of the first things you do in a day is eat-it'll keep you from being as hungry later in the day and will keep your body from burning muscle instead of fat.
