Monday, August 31, 2009

On the Run: Literally

What a busy day!!

Bailey T and I went just under 2.5 miles this morning on the treadmills.  We're going in tomorrow to do the same if all goes as planned!  Of course, I'm feeling like I might have pulled a muscle in one of my legs at some point today in all of my walking around campus.  Hopefully I'll sleep it off!

I could only pull off about 25 minutes of Yoga and Strength Training on the Wii Fit this afternoon after classes.  I know though, that the more consistent I am, the more I'll be able to do!

I was inspired to hear today in Jazz Band, that OC's beloved Jazz Director, Dr. Jones (husband of blog-reader 'Elizabeth') is planning on losing 40 pounds by February!  Kudos to him and her as they work to burn the fat off, and of course ALL of my devoted readers.

I consumed approximately 1370 calories today.  PLUS exactly 3 m&ms from Pattie's desk in the music office.  Carly C. was there- she scooped me 3 and only 3, I PROMISE!  I suppose that puts me up to about 1400- DANGIT!

Still...not bad, considering my previous eating habits.  My plan is to keep as far under 2000 calories a day as possible.

I stayed pretty busy today, so snacking wasn't a big issue like it can be when I sit around too long.

One of my BIGGEST concerns right now is creating a routine.  I want to exercise every day, so that it becomes normal!  If I skip even one day, it's really difficult to get back on.  I try and schedule my working out in advance- usually the night before.  Any other thoughts/suggestions on how to do this?

I'm going to Arby's tomorrow for dinner with Katie V and some friends.  Here's what I'll get: Regular Roast Beef Sandwich- 320 calories, SMALL curly fries: 360.  This leaves me around 800 calories for lunch and breakfast.  This PLANNING AHEAD will help me remember throughout the day tomorrow to save up 680 calories for dinner!



  1. Random comments from me, in no particular order because my brain has been trashed by the children.

    I just read all of your posts. Kudos to you for being real with not just your readers, but yourself. That's a big deal.

    We bought a WiiFit on Sunday night! (cue twilight zone theme)

    Good luck with the start of your senior year. :)


  2. That all sounds very excellent. Have you ever tried Slimfast shakes? They don't actually curb hunger for up to 4 hours like they claim (not for me, anyways), but they're delicious and nutritious. However, they are like 700-900 calories, I think.

    Update: Went to TGI Friday's and ate a half rack (did NOT order whole rack, though Uncle Mike offered) of ribs, most of the fries with it, and a side salad. A relatively healthy choice, portion-wise.

  3. You figured out how to make spaces between paragraphs! I wish I could go to Arby's!

  4. So great you're treadmilling/hoofing it on campus. My pocket calorie counter says heavy exercise burns 10 cals/min & even light activity burns 4 cals/min. Eric & I have been walking every weekday morning when we take Heather to the bus. The fresh air really does me a lot of good. As far as the elusive getting into a routine goes...well, let's just say every day's a new day. I've decided a good schedule with an attitude of flexibility is important. I think I'm going to try adding crunches & push ups on MWF; lunges & squats on TR/SA and a 20 min yoga on SU to my calorie burning plan. You're right, it's so hard to start on Monday when you've taken the weekend off. Let's face it, losing weight is really hard work! So, I will follow your lead and be reminded that God will strengthen me with His power if I will just pray. Elizabeth

  5. I'm really proud of you, Bek! Your calorie counting is impressive- especially figuring your Arby's meal into your days intake! I've heard that planning out your meals the day before helps you not to snack or deviate to junk!! We should start making a dinner one night a week or something! Try a new healthy meal every week! Just a thought! I love you and am so encouraged by you!!!

  6. I get in trouble with running if I don't have it marked on my calendar. I'm not sure if you're the type who is motivated by stickers. . .but I get excited when I get to put a sticker on my calendar when I do my mileage.

    As far as planning ahead, it's always easy to not get up. So I tend to lay out everything right by my alarm clock so when I turn it off, I have all my stuff ready to put on right there.
    Sometimes, I even go as far as to wear my running clothes to bed so all I have to do is put on my shoes. . . conclusion:

    1) calendar
    2) stickers
    3) be a weirdo

    congratulations on your journey! and I love your for sharing your experience!


  7. yay for routine! get it get it! i love that you are planning ahead!

  8. girl i scooped you those 3 m&ms! and then i had about 25! :/
