Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fat-Bottomed Girls: the shots don't hurt for us!

So, I feel a little bit guilty, but I'm supposed to be "loading" until Thursday, which is the official 1st day of my 500-calorie/day diet.  "Loading" is eating foods (even high-fat), for the 1st 3 days I'm on the shots and the pills. This ensures that my fat cells and appetite center in the brain are receiving adequate calories at the same time as they're being programmed by the HCG.

If you REALLY want more information on this, I'd be happy to tell you but for the sake of my blog's entertainment purposes...I won't go much further into detail.

So, I went to the Steelman Clinic yesterday for my 1st day.  They drew blood for a lab, which hurt horribly (it always does).  My arm was tingly all day.  But then, I got the 1st SHOT right at the top of my butt and I could hardly feel it.  This may or may not be because I'm bootylicious.  I'm not sure.  Theories are welcome.

I'm so excited that the shot didn't really hurt.  That will make this diet a piece of cake, right?... haha...yeah right.

I'll be going in 5 times a week for a shot.  I'm also taking a multi-vitamin BOLUS, potassium, and calcium supplements.  I'm going to be cutting pretty much all dairy, pasta, sweets, bread, and fatty foods.  Should be interesting.

I wasn't sure whether to be hopeful or just annoyed at all of the THIN women in the waiting room at Steelman.  Had they BECOME thin on the program?  Were they just thin and THOUGHT they needed to lose weight?  I'm not sure.

I found out that former EMHS principal, Kyle Heath, lost 75 lbs. on this program.  Random, right?  Does anyone remember the Kyle's Kid's Klub sign that was made sometime junior year?

Grey's Anatomy starts on Thursday night and I'm PUMPED!  Watch party at my house if you all want to come over!  I might pull out my WiiFit and step during the show, or maybe my stationary bike.

** Someone remind me to do this during the show!  **

Remember when I was afraid to weigh myself on Saturday (or whenever that was)?  I was 2.5 lbs. down!

Jan B. has lost 11 lbs. and is looking like a HOT MAMA!

Also, OC's very own Dr. Heath J. has lost at least 28 lbs. since the summertime!  He and Elizabeth J. are working really hard to get healthy.  props to them.

A tip Dr. J. gave me: eat spicy foods.  Apparently they boost your metabolism!

Anyone else made any exciting progress?  Please comment!


  1. I was wondering how things were going! I'm so glad you're making progress!!!

    I've supplemented my walks with an upper-body workout every other day. I have an item called a body bow, which lets you work out like you're firing a bow. It's good. I end up shooting 120 imaginary arrows at 120 imaginary charging zombies (or goblins/orcs), and it makes me proud to do the world a service.

  2. Hahaha Kyle's Kid's Klub! I forgot about that! Wow. I've been slacking the last few days. It's just so nice not being constantly sore!

  3. Hey Rebekah!

    Good luck with your new diet! I'm very excited for you!

    My exciting progress isn't in the form of weight loss goals, but moreso becoming a better runner. And it's good. I'm right where I should be in terms of being ready for the 1/2 marathon in November!

  4. I received three shots in my butt last Sunday night and they didn't hurt. I don't know if that helps or hinders your bootylicious theory.

    Good job on being 2.5 lbs down!

  5. yay you can do this! its been grreat seeing you this week! love love love~
