Thursday, September 3, 2009

y'all don't know what it's like bein' fat, middle-class and white

I don't really feel like blogging, but I'm going to do it anyway.

Today was the 1st day that school stressed me out- really, school??  The 2nd class period?

I couldn't do my French homework because the audio links wouldn't work on Blackboard, because they are only compatible with Internet Explorer.  Well, I deleted my Windows side, not a fortnight ago, to fix my Mac side so, I can't use Internet Explorer.   I missed my workout yesterday due to being busy and then had to arise at 6am this morning, only to find a creative solution to getting my French homework done.  I used the computer lab in the library and located an audio jack for my headphones.

Anyway, I have not lost anymore weight and it just ticks me off.  This seemingly small French Fiasco, among other items in my life today, caused me to realize that not only is it painfully difficult to eat well and exercise, everything else is frustrating and complicated.  There's just so much gen-ed reading, and there are recitals to stress out about.  Not to mention how difficult it's been to balance my social life with everything else.  Stressful.

Why can't stress make me lose weight?

It just blows my mind how easily one could float along through life never gaining weight.  I know a lot of you people and have to admit I'm slightly jealous.  Maybe God could give me an effort A and I could wake up skinny.  Does this happen?  I FEEL like I've worked so hard.  I FEEL like I deserve to shed pounds by the tens over small periods of time.

Here are the foods I did NOT eat today, but wanted: hamburger, pizza, chips & queso, fast food of any kind, SC&O chips still, and Boneless Honey Barbeque Chicken Wings with Ranch.

I can't believe those OC students didn't know who the Vice President of the United States was.


  1. "I can't believe those OC students didn't know who the Vice President of the United States was." ???

    P90X, by the way, totally kicked my butt.

  2. You're doing well! Don't give up.

    I love you!

  3. Be patient. You're doing awesome already.

    Typically it's normal to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week.

    Just hang in there.

  4. Sometimes I just want to tell life to play nice and take a chill pill, too. Grr.

  5. everything said above is true, you are doing really great! the most important part is continuing to do what you are doing! eating healthy and working out! and when it comes to the working out side, if not every day, then most days--when things get really busy(and i know they will) even just three days a week will be great! but you just have to keep going! and the good thing is working out is a great stress reliever! haha i love you!

  6. Thank you SO much for blogging today! You truly are an inspiration. The cravings & stress of life are beating me down at times too. But I know we can be gorgeous, skinny girls once again. Have a great Friday!

  7. Something I learned from Weight Watchers about cravings is this: If you have a craving for something, SC&O chips for example, just go ahead and eat them and get the craving out of the way. Otherwise you'll probably just end up eating 5 other bad things to try and appease the original craving.

    Also, when I'm at the grocery store, there are aisles that I completely skip over. Snack/cookie, chips and pop aisle for instance. Maybe once a month I'll splurge and get a bag of chips, but otherwise you have make an effort to just skip right over them.

    Another tip to help ward off cravings is to make your own lunch, or have leftovers from dinner the next day. Not only is it better for you, but you'll be saving money!

  8. Today at the mall I walked on the other side of the cookie place -- Bethany took the hit for me! That is what I wanted to eat today. Lots of icing (you know -- Crisco and sugar, yum, yum)! You might try finding 2 of your favorite up-beat tunes and marching in place to them. (Uh, you might not want to mention this to anyone if you do it)

  9. The above comment was mom but it wouldn't let me post except for being anonymous. Don't be jealous of my computer expertise!

  10. Stress sucks! I'm a stress-eater. I'm trying to find some sort of stress-relief activity that is as effective as eating.

    About cravings-I don't know if you do this or not, but give yourself one cheat-meal per week as a reward for hard work. It'll make it easier to avoid regression. Also, when you crave a food you can write it down on a list of foods you'd like to eat on your cheat meal-for me, keeping a list gets rid of the fear that I'll never get to please myself with truly tasty foods again.

    I'll pray for you! You've got a lot to keep up with. Is Gatewood your French teacher by the way? They shouldn't make the Bb for that class only compatible with Internet Explorer.
